Why do weeds grow better than anything else?

My garden is growing beautifully this year! The dandelions are in full bloom and the virginia creeper and ivy are winding their way around the garden ensuring that nothing will ever have to be planted there again. And as for those annoying non descript green things that grow wherever they can- I think I would win best in show!

The above is a creative exaggeration. In fact this year the garden is looking pretty good and like it's been cared for. Which it has, or is... But it is as I care for and look after the garden that the above question rears it's ugly head, why do weeds grow better than anything else?

As I kneel down on the driveway pulling out my 200th dandelion I realise that the weather really hasn't been up to much up until now and yet here are my dandelions and other weeds growing beautifully. I mean let's not knock weeds, they faithfully appear year after year and they are completely free of charge which is a real bonus at this time of year. In fact when they're fully grown they are actually rather majestic and stately. But the fact is I do not want them, and therefore they are a weed. And the main reason they are growing so constantly is because I haven't pulled them up!

So what in your life has become a weed; unnoticed, growing faithfully and yet completely unwelcome? And at what point will you get down on my knees and pull it out, questioning why it was ever allowed in the first place? Take a moment to glance around your life garden, take stock of what you want to grow and what has appeared in the places where other things could, and get weeding.


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