Flippin' Lental!!

So we're in week 2 (and a bit) of lent and I have chosen to give up Facebook! On the whole I'm not finding it too bad (hopefully that doesn't mean that I should be giving up something else too) and two of the biggest challenges are; not being in touch with my dear friends that are missionaries, and the little but fab chats I have late at night that are about nothing in particular but often mean so much. But by far the worst thing is that I now have no idea when anyone's birthday is- so apologies if I've missed yours!

Having given up facebook I have chosen to do some things as well. My project is now on twitter-post a comment if you want more details- and I am now writing two blogs, one for business and this one for fun. I have also taken to supporting and encouraging my mum with little daily challenges as she has had a difficult year.

So all in all far from feeling like I've had things taken away I am feeling incrdeibly blessed! I wonder if after 40 days in the desert being tempted at the hands of the devil Jesus felt that same?

What have you given up for lent or more importantly what have you gained from it? Answers in a tweet please.......;0)


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