Striding out and baby steps

I completed a 5k a few weeks ago. I've done it before but this time I was fundraising for Breast Cancer Care. I was quite nervous and felt like I trained quite hard but the truth was that once completed I felt almost ashamed at how easy it had felt especially as so many people had sponsored me (a massive thank you to all of you, I raised over £400) I think the reality was I really loved doing it because I was going at my own pace, unconcerned about speed, just wanting to finish.

So I now have a much bigger goal. In 2016 I turn 40, and I want to run a Marathon (those of you who know me can stop laughing uncontrollably either at the running or the fact that I turn 40). The problem is that at the moment I only really jog. In fact when the lady on my running app who gently cajoles me in my ear to keep running and "slow down if you need to" I laugh, because I don't think I could physically run any slower without stopping! 
So my only option is to speed up. My husband told me that I must stride instead of jogging and so I set off this morning to stride instead of my morning jog. I hold my hands up, I ended up walking quite a bit but I definetely stride/strided/strudled and it felt good. At the end I realised that I had covered pretty much the same distance as always but in a much quicker average speed despite more stopping and an increase in little steps. 

Here is the big link. This week I finally registered as self employed so that I can truly set up Raise as a business and already there are lots of opportunities being presented to me on a daily basis. I am really striding into my role and what I believe to be my calling but I know that I will still want to and need to take baby steps.
 I have a baby who has just learnt to walk so I can tell you first hand how awkward and hilarious baby steps are especially when they set out on a definite mission only to fall flat on their faces! But my baby knows that I am watching him, ready to protect and encourage him and  I know that amidst his strides he will need to stop and walk. But he's moving forward. 

As a Christian I believe that God is holding my hand so that whether I'm striding or taking baby steps He won't let me fall. Whatever your belief it's good to make sure you have a support network and some people cheering you on! 
My challenge to you today is in your current situation are you striding or are you taking baby steps? And my bigger question is does it matter as long as are you are moving forward? And a slightly smaller question is what is the tense for stride....


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