Are you getting your five a day?

So it's 2.30am and unlike other nights in the last few weeks I haven't been having nightmares which is a relief. I do have strange dreams alot however and it was one the other night that prompted me to blog albeit at such a ridiculous time of night/morning!

I won't go through all the wierd and wonderful details (the fact that I had springy shoes or that I was at a school handing out food for lunch) but the main part of the dream was a one liner which I woke up with the following morning and which has stayed with me throughout the day. In my dream I had been talking to someone about a life change that I'm going through regarding work and she said the following "you need to eat less fat and more fruit and veg."

Now I happen to be on a diet in real life but as I woke up I was accutely aware that this was about my spiritual life and not my eating habits and it got me thinking- am I getting my five a day? And if so, what are they?

I hate to admit it but I'm pretty sure I know what my spiritual fat is; Facebook, TV, games on my iphone, even certain books. Basically time spent that fills me up with stuff that I don't need and that really isn't helpful to me. They all have their place and have been a blessing to me and I'm sure will continue to be so in the right way, but you know as well as I do when they simply become empty calories and they start making you look unhealthy.  

But what are my five a day? I think that on the whole they are the following- running (which enables me to spend time with God), listening to uplifting music, writing in my journal, reading inspiring parts of the bible and talking to people who encourage me and motivate me. If I spent more time consuming those and less time chewing over the fat I wonder if I'd be a healthier spiritual being?

So I'll leave you with this challenge- what are your five a day and are you getting them? And while you think it over I'm off to eat a Mars Bar.......


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