Can true hope disappoint?

In a way I just want to leave that question out there. I could have tweeted it but Cazbarwick only has 16 followers, I could have posted it on FB but I get tired of people taking the mickey out of the serious questions I sometimes need to ask.

The thing is that it seems the older you get the more hope hurts. On my last blog I accepted that Daddy waits with me, but that line came from a poem entitled Daddy it hurts. And it does.

I love hope but recently I've found myself wishing that I didn't have so much because it hurts to have such high expectations.

It's also amazing when the thing you expected to happen actually does. But what if it doesn't....?


  1. Caz, you talk about simply being you and allowing God to simply be God so just carry on being you and allowing God to shape you in the way He has so far in such a wonderful way. We all have hopes - what would life be without them?? And if the thing you are expecting doesn't happen, them something more wonderful will! Just carry on being you xxxx


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