Why ARE we waiting?
Most of you will know that I'm pregnant with our first baby. Actually I'm now overdue by 5 days and quite frankly I'm getting fed up with waiting!!
I've done all the things people have told us to do but no lasting signs as yet, and my question every day is "why ARE we waiting?"
I have always been blessed by the mnemonic WAIT that God revealed to me years ago;
and I know in our case baby simply has to come out eventually- there isn't any more room for them! But the problem is I'm struggling to enjoy and utilise the waiting time choosing instead to wallow in feelings of frustration and impatience!
The helpful thing is that as we approach the Easter weekend it makes me think about the wait that Jesus had before He died. People always say that Jesus death was the ultimate sacrifice but I disagree- I think His LIFE was the ultimate sacrifice. After all He lived almost His whole life knowing that He was born to die. Waiting can become a true weight. It can bring you down and makes you feel heavy- I know I do- but also oppressed and hopeless. But Jesus said "my yoke is easy and my burden is light"- what an amazing example to us all!
Maybe the reason that Jesus felt this was that He knew He didn't wait alone. An amazing friend once wrote a poem where the essence was "Daddy waits with me". Jesus had His Father with Him every single day until He died, where He then went to be with Him for eternity. I am not waiting alone either, countless friends and family are supporting me and my husband, literally keeping us going with their prayers and excitement. So never underestimate how important encouragement is- it literally brings people courage to continue, I'm sure that's what God's words did for Jesus and they should still do the same today.
But how can waiting become a blessing to ourselves and others? I seem to be spending my days waiting by cleaning, sitting, walking, cooking, sitting, dancing, more cleaning, sorting and more sitting (this baby is heavy you know!) but on the whole it's passive waiting which is causing me to become impatient and frustrated. It seems to be a selfish waiting, understandable but slightly wasted. However Jesus spent His life actively waiting, literally waiting as a waiter would do- serving people by healing, loving, listening, praying, blessing and a whole lot more.
So my question to you is why are YOU waiting? And are you actively waiting like Jesus did or are you passively waiting getting more and more impatient and frustrated like I am very tempted to do as every day goes past? What might God be asking you to do/learn as you wait? How/who might God be asking you to serve as you wait?
Over this weekend as we celebrate Jesus ultimate sacrifice, and enjoy our yearly chocolate binge, take time to thank Jesus for waiting His whole life.
After aanything truly worth having is worth waiting for....
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