Nothing more than feelings......?

I went on a retreat the other day and found myself wanting to do just that- retreat. I wanted to give up and give in; tired of struggling and fighting. At first I couldn't work out what I was fighting against or how I was feeling but then I realised that it was feelings themselves that I was, and have been struggling alot with recently. I've found that since mum's death i can easily get out of doing things by saying that I don't feel like doing something and I can use it as a means to get out of doing what God wants me to do too. But I realised whilst on retreat that no matter how powerful your feelings are- and they are powerful!!- His grace is more powerful. Below are some creative thoughts that I've had about feelings, and grace.

Feelings are so tangible;  like blocks, like boxing gloves raining blows on every part of my body.
Feelings are a wrecking ball, a steam roller, a hot air balloon with no sandbags. 
Feelings are sky high- the silken webs that trap me tightly, a bungee cord that makes me fly.
Feelings are family and loss and heaven and hell and endless......

But the truth is that feelings are flimsy, ethereal, transparent and paper thin- they can be torn through damaged and fragile. Feelings are only as high and as deep as you measure them. 
Feelings unkind and unhelpful when they are placed above the true treasures of life.
 Grace is all sufficient, all abounding, all surrounding -the strong and silent type. A gentleman He puts his coat down across the puddle allowing you to remain clean and dry. Grace is a wedding ring, a promise, a rainbow. Grace opens the door for you says you before me, gives you the last Rolo, the window seat, the best seat in the house. grace is rest, pools of tranquillity a spa that is paid for......


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