Daddy waits with me.

This isn't going to be long. Or particularly monumental. I am writing it at 6.30am as I have been waiting since 2.30am for the neighbours to turn their club music off. Which they did- about 20 mins ago....

I just feel like I'm waiting. For everything. I'm not going to outline it all but you know what I mean. The little things that don't bother anyone else but niggle you and leave you feeling discontented on a daily basis for no real reason. The medium things that everyone waits for; important post, are we going to have enough money, will the washing up ever be COMPLETELY done... and the huge things that you share between you and those you love, which can leave you breathless as you recieve them and render you senseless when you don't.

But a wonderful friend wrote a poem this week which she shared with me and most of it hurt like hell (as waiting can do) but the end was like a soothing balm.

Daddy waits with you.


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