You say goodbye, I say hello!


Well I'm nearly at the end of my lent break from Facebook and so much has happened!

The most significant thing is that my work with Splosh at St Johns Bowling in Bradford has now come to an end. I had a fantastic leaving party and the winner for most amazingly disciplined child goes to Elijah who has given up sweet things for Lent and said no to almost everything offered at the party! The theme of the party was "Carol's Big Adventure" and we had a pass the parcel which started a treasure hunt and ended with mini cupcakes and balloons that stuck to the wall! I was also presented with an amazing plaque which I will treasure forever. And so an era ends.

But something new can now begin. Three years ago I started Raise childrens project and now is the time to see whether it will really fly! I don't want this to be a business pitch, you can join me @raisechildrens if you want to see more (and I would love that) but the main thing now is to get the balance of faith and business working together. Now I am not based at the church I am facing daily decisions about how and when I share my faith.

So the question is how do I do that?

Answers on a business card please.......


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